Sunday, December 19, 2010

Post #3, Sunday Dinner at The Hotel Cristophe, 12/5/'10.

Ok, above , we just parked and are headed in.  Jane took our orders yesterday, that way they had plenty of time to bring us cold food, and it was.  Hot food isn't a priority in Haiti we discovered.  The place is beautiful with tons of history.  This place was built in the 1700's for Napoleon's sister.  I ordered Fish in white sauce.  It was probably Grouper.  I had it in the Keys when I was trucking and it is as good a flavor as any fish.  Fantastic!  We had a huge platter of rice and one of french fries also.  Coke was a specialty here in Haiti.  It is sweetened with cane sugar and comes in 500ml. bottles.  Have you had your 'jolt' today?  It was better than US Coke.

Above, this is the Lobby to the Hotel.  A gal is behind the desk way back at the end.  There was a lot of nice art work in here which I will feature on my next post.  There are no windows and doors in Haiti except for security.  Windows will have screens and bars but no glass except louvers at the bottom in case the eaves don't keep the rain out.  The next photo is to the right of this room on the veranda.

We are waiting to be called in for Dinner.  I'm a farm kid.  Dinner is at noon, supper is 6 pm.  The young man in the middle in black is Jonathan.  He isn't on our team but we 'adopted' him and made our team, 12 people.  He speaks Creole fluently, as do our 2 Hostesses Mary Lou, left front and Joetta, right front.  Jonathan flew into Cap Haitian also but Bud and Jane forgot about him and didn't pick him up so he had to take 3 Tap-Tap's to get to our compound.  He said it cost about $7.00 US to get to us.  It is a 6 mile drive and because the roads are so full of pot holes and have so much traffic, it's a 45 min drive.  Tap-Tap's only go so far and turn around and you have to hop another.  Jonathan and Lane, another person on our team hit it off pretty good being about the same age.  I called Lane Jesus since he had taken a Nazarite vow not to let a razor touch his head.  I told him I was really glad god was with us!

This is me by a safe at the front desk, it says Hotel Roi Christophe.  On my tie I'm wearing an Aggate my grandma Brady gave me, a pair of baby feet in protest of abortion, 10 week size of a baby's feet, and a heart with a band aid on it in memory of veterans who have served our country.  Note the 60/60 time piece on my belt loop.  Thanks Pastor Paul.  It was easy to set and I always knew the day and date and the temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit.

This is the spread.  Very nice and relaxing.  The door at the back looks through the lobby and onto the veranda where we were waiting.  Notice all the 500 ml. bottles of Coke.  Our Haitian waiter is to the right.  The ambiance would be worthy of a honeymoon.  Notice the huge china cabinet behind Nancy and Lyle to the left.  Some of the dishes we had were Curried Goat, Peppered Steak, beef Kabobs, and Shrimp.

This is Jane and Bud.  A pair of amazing people from PA who God called only recently to be main cogs for OMS at the compound and in this ministry.  Jane was with us day and night briefing us and taking us on tours of the various ministries.  She is head of the Star Fish ministry.  They have 8000 children in their many Star Fish Schools and almost 2000 of them are sponsored @ $25 a month.  Jane said she needed almost 500 more sponsors.  Please consider becoming a sponsor.  You will truly be laying up treasures in Heaven.  Remember, you can't take it with you but you can send it on ahead.  Contact OMS at or phone 1-317-881-6751.  Bud is in charge of Maintenance, Generators, Grounds, and Security.  They covet our prayers and financial support.  Visit their Blog at  If you Google them you can find more interesting stuff like a radio interview when they were home in PA.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Floyd

    You do a pretty good job for a rookie blogger :-)

    Keep up the good work and maybe someday you can put all your posts in a book.

    God bless you



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