Sunday, February 26, 2012

Mile Marker # 36, Jeff Foxworthy's take on Nebraska.

If you have to drive 50 miles to get to town, You might live in Nebraska.

If you have to drive 10 miles to get your mail, you might live in Nebraska

If you have landmarks called 'the pink schoolhouse' and 'the stone windmill', you might live in Nebraska.

If your Dairy Queen is only open June, July, and August, you might live in Nebraska.

If someone gives you assistance at Home Depot who doesn't work there, you might be in Nebraska.

If you ever wear a parka and shorts at the same time, you might be in Nebraska.

If you turn on your heater in the morning and A/C in the afternoon, you live in Nebraska.

If you've ever dialed a wrong # and had a long conversation, you might be in Nebraska.

If you've ever dialed a wrong # and recognized the voice on the other end, you might be in Nebraska.

If going on vacation means anywhere south of Grand Island, you are from Nebraska.

If you measure distance in sections, you live in Nebraska.

If rush hour is from 7:55 to 8am, you live in Nebraska.

If a High 5 on Friday is the only anticipated event, you live in Nebraska.

If you recognize this point of view, you are from or have lived in Nebraska.

If you've ever jumped 2' snow drifts, with your car, to get your kids to country school, you live in Nebraska.

If you install a security lite on your garage but don't lock it, you live in Nebraska.

If your wife knows how to drive a stick and use jumper cables, you live in Nebraska.

If you drive 80 mph on I-80 and everybody still passes you, you are in Nebraska.

If the roads are smoother in winter because the pot-holes are frozen over, you are in Nebraska.

If your 4 seasons are, almost winter, winter, still winter, and road construction, you are in Nebraska.

If your snow blower has more hours than your car has miles, you are from Nebraska.

If 10 degrees F is just 'chilly' you might be from Nebraska.

1 comment:

  1. Where on earth is Nebraska.
    There is a town on the west coast with the name Nabaabeep, you can get a bumper sticker that reads. "I love Nabaabeep, I know where it is."
    Very funny post, Geoff.


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