I want to thank all of you who take the time to read posts on my blog. I can't put in pictures without my wife's help so I'm not real fancy.
I have a ton of things I want to post so check in occasionally and it will get more interesting. Until I retire things will come out slowly.
I believe 'Political Correctness' in the USA is in direct opposition to Biblical correctness. The 'New Morality' is the old immorality.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is a command for all men everywhere to repent of their sins, me included. That means turn towards God and trust Jesus to be your personal Lord and Savior. Read John 14:6.
This blog name refers to Jesus Christ and what you must do with Him. It's called the 'Tri-lemma-dilemma'. You must decide what He said about Himself. Was it true, was He crazy, or was He a deceiver? For example, He said,"I and my Father are one", John 10:30. "He who has seen Me has seen the Father", John 14:9. "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am," John 9:58. And God said to Moses, "Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, 'I AM has sent me to you,'" Exodus 3:14.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Post # 32, Christmas Day 2011
Church was packed today. Lots of peoples families were home. I mean church was fuller than regular. I go to an independent Bible Church. A real church with born again Christians. We preach the real Gospel. We don't baptize infants, we don't ordain homosexuals or women. We do allow long hair on men and we don't cover women as Paul taught we should. We don't understand Biblical enlightenment and we still teach Jesus was born in Winter. Funny, livestock only go out to pasture in the northern hemisphere May through September.
If you watched the Bethlehem Star you would see Jesus was born June 17th. The Magi didn't get there until Dec. 25th. That is correct.
Anyway, it has been a quiet day. No family. A bowl of soup for a meal. I'm feeling rather melancholy. Looking forward to the day being over.
I had a molar tooth out last Monday. Took 3 hrs in the chair. It still hurts so bad I have to take 400mg of Ibuprofen and a Tylenol with codeine. The hole is big enough to park a pickup in. Top right side.
Tomorrow is off work. Have some home projects to get done. Hope I feel better. Ive been checking out a web site my sister told me about, www.pinterest.com . About home projects and apparently skinny women.
Told my wife it's about time for another massive earthquake, 'tsunami, volcano, flood, blizzard or some other event described as "Biblical proportions". But to those who are confused by the Mayan calendar and other non-Biblical viewpoints out there, the world doesn't come to an end in 2012. That's a misguided fable. Next comes a 7 year period of judgment greater than the earth has ever seen or ever will see. Worse than the Flood of Noah. Then the 1000 yr. Millennium will come where Jesus and Christians run the world.
Jesus is going to return to the Mt. of Olives in Israel and rule the world from Jerusalem. He is going to show the Arabs where the borders are, settle the Palestinian problem and put an end to Islam and Roman Catholicism. Rome is the Harlot Church of Revelation. The Antichrist will waste her when he is done with her. He will use her as the whore she is. Roman Catholicism is not Christianity. Mormonism isn't Christianity either and Mormons don't go to 'Church' as Glenn Beck claims. They aren't in the church.
Well, I just tipped my hand and opened a can of worms. "If you abide in my word then you are truly disciples of Mine and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free," John 14:6, Jesus.
Am I telling the truth? Am I crazy? Am I a liar? You decide.
If you watched the Bethlehem Star you would see Jesus was born June 17th. The Magi didn't get there until Dec. 25th. That is correct.
Anyway, it has been a quiet day. No family. A bowl of soup for a meal. I'm feeling rather melancholy. Looking forward to the day being over.
I had a molar tooth out last Monday. Took 3 hrs in the chair. It still hurts so bad I have to take 400mg of Ibuprofen and a Tylenol with codeine. The hole is big enough to park a pickup in. Top right side.
Tomorrow is off work. Have some home projects to get done. Hope I feel better. Ive been checking out a web site my sister told me about, www.pinterest.com . About home projects and apparently skinny women.
Told my wife it's about time for another massive earthquake, 'tsunami, volcano, flood, blizzard or some other event described as "Biblical proportions". But to those who are confused by the Mayan calendar and other non-Biblical viewpoints out there, the world doesn't come to an end in 2012. That's a misguided fable. Next comes a 7 year period of judgment greater than the earth has ever seen or ever will see. Worse than the Flood of Noah. Then the 1000 yr. Millennium will come where Jesus and Christians run the world.
Jesus is going to return to the Mt. of Olives in Israel and rule the world from Jerusalem. He is going to show the Arabs where the borders are, settle the Palestinian problem and put an end to Islam and Roman Catholicism. Rome is the Harlot Church of Revelation. The Antichrist will waste her when he is done with her. He will use her as the whore she is. Roman Catholicism is not Christianity. Mormonism isn't Christianity either and Mormons don't go to 'Church' as Glenn Beck claims. They aren't in the church.
Well, I just tipped my hand and opened a can of worms. "If you abide in my word then you are truly disciples of Mine and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free," John 14:6, Jesus.
Am I telling the truth? Am I crazy? Am I a liar? You decide.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Post # 31, The Star of Bethlehem
I want to let people know about something I ran across on the Catholic EWTN TV channel a few years ago. This has been a surprising blessing to me and I'm sure if you check it out it will be to you also.
A Christian named Fredrick Larson, who is an Attorney, was asked to prepare material for his Sunday School class. He chose to find out what the Star of Bethlehem really was. With the aid of computer programming he was able to turn back the stars to what they were doing in the heavens when Jesus was conceived, born, and months later when the Magi of the east arrived in Jerusalem and asked King Herod where The King of the Jews who had been born recently was located.
Order the DVD. It is 65 minutes and is phenomenal. Go to www.bethlehemstar.net
A Christian named Fredrick Larson, who is an Attorney, was asked to prepare material for his Sunday School class. He chose to find out what the Star of Bethlehem really was. With the aid of computer programming he was able to turn back the stars to what they were doing in the heavens when Jesus was conceived, born, and months later when the Magi of the east arrived in Jerusalem and asked King Herod where The King of the Jews who had been born recently was located.
Order the DVD. It is 65 minutes and is phenomenal. Go to www.bethlehemstar.net
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Post # 30; NE vs. Penn State noon today 11/12/11
It is 9:14 am as I write. The kickoff is at noon. It is the first day of rifle deer season here in Nebraska so the countryside is full of mostly men hunters out after a trophy buck or just meat for the freezer. Drive out into the country and you can hear cannons going off all day long.
The pedophile scandal has been all the talk all week on TV sports talk. The shame on Penn State Joe Paterno has allowed. Too bad this story didn't break 10 years from now when pedophilia will be socially accepted. The USA has lowered its moral standards to embrace same sex marriage, homosexuality, lesbianism, among other things.
Apparently the Cornhuskers are just an 'also ran' team this year. We'll see after the next three games.
The pedophile scandal has been all the talk all week on TV sports talk. The shame on Penn State Joe Paterno has allowed. Too bad this story didn't break 10 years from now when pedophilia will be socially accepted. The USA has lowered its moral standards to embrace same sex marriage, homosexuality, lesbianism, among other things.
Apparently the Cornhuskers are just an 'also ran' team this year. We'll see after the next three games.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Post # 29, Cornhuskers Football, 11-5-2011, loss to Northwestern.
I listen to Nebraska Football talk shows and the game on 94.7 KNEN out of Norfolk, NE. Yesterday I was helping pick corn, imagine that, I'm a Cornhusker bread and born, I can't get away from it. I was listening to the game knowing how important it was for our first year in the Big 10. We lost!After the game Mat Davidson said there was no reason for us to loose. We were at home, a big advantage. We have better talent and more to loose if we lost. We had more players suited up. What went wrong?
Their is an unseen X factor in any battle. The X factor is the Lord. Not just any 'lord', THEE Lord. The only God their is, Jesus Christ, the God of the Bible. Deuteronomy 6 says their is only one God. Isaiah said His name was, "Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit aren't 3 Gods, they are One God in three, of His many, persons. God is a plurality of persona's.
My point is only God can give you the victory. He decides who wins and who looses. God could care less about football but He does care about the character and belief system of the coaches, players and the School system involved. The Chancellor of the University of Nebraska, this week, embraced the politically correct position on same sex marriage by saying he was excited the University was going to provide benefits to same sex couples and embrace the changed and modern view of marriage. Read the article here.
By taking the politically correct position he took the Biblically incorrect position. Thus, he lost God's favor. If you turn your back on God, He will turn His back on you. He does this to spank you. "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked, for whatever a man sews, that shall he also reap", Gal. 6:7. "God is no respecter of persons," Acts 10:34. "The horse is prepared for the day of battle, but victory belongs to the Lord," Prov. 21:31.
If our Chancellor is a Christian, he doesn't know his Bible or he is a coward? I don't know which.
If he is not a Christian he needs to obey the gospel and become one, so he can get on the right team. We are to "repent and turn towards God and place our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ," Acts 20:21. "The Lord Jesus will be revealed from heaven dealing out retribution to those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus," 2Thess. 1:7-8. Jesus' team is the right team. We are the team that never looses in the game of life. We may loose our lives but we will never loose our life. We may still loose football games, even if we are right with Him, but we need to live in His favor in things not pertaining to football as well as things that do, whether we win or whether we loose. "Though He slay me, yet will I praise Him," Job 13:15.
If you don't stand for Biblical correctness on all issues, why would you expect to ever have God's favor on any program at the University of Nebraska? You would be a fool, a coward or deceived. Am I right, am I crazy, or am I a liar? Lord-Lunatic-Liar.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Post # 28; Country School, in North East Nebraska
I was born in 1950. When I was 5 I attended a country school just like this one. This one still stands about 7 miles west of the one I attended. Mine was Dist. 48. My first year just me and my 2 older brothers went there. 3 students; kindergartner, me, a 1st grader and a 3rd grader. Our teacher's name was Alice. She is still a widow, alive and in her 90's. She made several mission trips to Russia after she turned 80.
The school was one room with a lean too enclosed porch as you see in the photo. We had electricity. We had a hand pump on a well out front for water. There were two out houses behind the school, one for boys and one for girls. There was also a horse barn out back. We rode various horses to school as did others over the years.
The room was heated with a pot belly wood stove. The blackboard was real slate. We said the pledge of allegiance to the flag every day and we said, "one nation, under God". What a concept! A picture of George Washington hung on the wall and there was a flag in the room. Examples of all your letters and numbers, Palmer method, were posted above the blackboard around the room.
The school sat on the corner of Dad's section and our cows were across the fence.
We had a small indoor sand box I played in. In the spring I enjoyed the windows open and listening to Meadowlarks sing, "I wash my feet I do". We also tried to drownd out and catch 13 striped squirrels during recess.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Post # 27; Veggin' Out
Well, with help I have a new photo up. It's me with some garden produce. Tomatoes, zucchini, cucumber, and Candice grapes. I have one vine. I harvested 14# once before and made 6 gal. wine. This year I harvested 34# and set 11 gal wine. Dad makes it. We burn it out to dry and add sugar back to taste for those who like it sweeter.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Post # 26, U.S. History
I attend an independent Bible Church. My Sunday School class is reading a book by Brannon Howse called "Put Your Beliefs to the Test". His web address is www.worldviewweekend.com On his web site he has an 82 question test that reveals whether you think like a Christian or a modern-day liberal. I encourage you to take it. His book has 8 main chapters. The last is on History. In it I found the quote of the Century. John Adams said, "The very definition of a republic is 'an empire of laws and not of men."
My point is, the U.S. form of government is that of a Democratic Republic not of a Democracy. A Democracy is mob rule, like unions. We need to return to the rule of our founding documents. We need to remove judicial tyrants who change laws instead of enforcing them. We are a Christian Nation and we need to return to our Christian foundation. Religious freedom is not freedom from faith but the freedom to practice your faith.
My point is, the U.S. form of government is that of a Democratic Republic not of a Democracy. A Democracy is mob rule, like unions. We need to return to the rule of our founding documents. We need to remove judicial tyrants who change laws instead of enforcing them. We are a Christian Nation and we need to return to our Christian foundation. Religious freedom is not freedom from faith but the freedom to practice your faith.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Post # 25, Cat fishing Spencer Dam, June 2011.
I'm actually standing on dry river bottom taking this photo. The river bottom, in these rapids, is shale. When it is wet it is soapstone, slicker than snot. Black and slippery just like soap. I fish just to the left of this photo, but not in the rapids, you'd have to have a 10,000# sinker and the river would still move it. No, you fish in the stillest, deepest water. That's where the fish are. On the bottom. They aren't stupid', it's easier to hang out in the stillest water than fight that current all day. What they eat, great big shiner minnows, actually come to them. The just know where to hang out. This cell phone photo is grainy but in the background is the dam, spillway, and power house. N.P.P.D. operates this hydro electric plant.
These fish, below, are laying on a Formica sink cut out. They would be 4 to 8#'s. Your limit from the Spencer Dam to the Missouri River, is 5 fish per day.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Hello. Post#24.
I have been very busy this Spring. Thank you for checking in on my blog. Lord willing, I will continue to put up more posts. Work, cat fishing, yard work, and gardening, my Dad's place, and home projects have been keeping me tied up. Toss in some laziness and tiredness. When I learn how to get the photos off my phone to the computer I'll have some interesting stuff.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Post # 23, "Heaven Is For Real", book by Todd Burpo.
This is a must read. The elders at our church so highly recommended we read this little book they gave everybody a copy. My wife and I read it the first week. I cried at every chapter. A 4 year old boy was very sick and went to Heaven long enough to astound his parents with the stuff he started telling them, as time went by. Visit my wife's post on her blog about it at www.goodmorningmarysunshine.blogspot.com or go to www.heavenisforreal.net
The apostle Paul said in 2 Cor. 4:18, "the world that we see is the temporary world, but the world we can't see is the permanent world." Little 3 year 10 month old Colton saw the eternal world first hand and his parents didn't realize it until 4 months after he was home and well. Colton assumed everyone knew what he knew and that none of it was out of the ordinary! Amazing!
Is what this little boy is saying true? Is he crazy? Or, is he lying? You must decide! Lord, Lunatic, Liar?
The apostle Paul said in 2 Cor. 4:18, "the world that we see is the temporary world, but the world we can't see is the permanent world." Little 3 year 10 month old Colton saw the eternal world first hand and his parents didn't realize it until 4 months after he was home and well. Colton assumed everyone knew what he knew and that none of it was out of the ordinary! Amazing!
Is what this little boy is saying true? Is he crazy? Or, is he lying? You must decide! Lord, Lunatic, Liar?
Monday, March 14, 2011
Post # 22, ISLAM
There are three types of people in the world. Spiritual, natural, and carnal. By spiritual I mean born again Christians. People born of God's Holy Spirit who walk in that Spirit. Christianity isn't man's attempt to reach God, it is God's attempt to reach man. Christianity was initiated by God. "For God so loved the world He gave His only unique Son that whosoever (put your name in here) believeth on Him should not perish but have everlasting life," John 3:16.
Religion is man's attempt to reach God. Religion is man made. Christianity is the only 'religion' that isn't man made! Natural people and Carnal people create religions. A natural man is one who has never been regenerated by God. He is unsaved. He was born in and lives in a fallen and natural state inherited from his grandfather Adam. He is dead spiritually. God has no fellowship with him and doesn't even know him. The Bible says, "The god of this world (Satan) has blinded the minds of the unbelieving that they might not see the light of the Gospel of the glory of Jesus Christ." They are blind spiritually. Many intellectuals and Hollywood 'stars' claim they have become 'spiritual'. Their 'spiritual' and God's spiritual are two different spirituals. Jesus said, "Except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of Heaven." The devil and his host of demons are 'spiritual' beings. Do you want to be 'spiritual' like them?
A carnal person is a Christian, born again, who doesn't live like it. He is either a 'babe in Christ', meaning he is immature and dumb, or he is willfully rebellious and disobedient to the Spirit of God and the Word of God. These people are God's worst and the devil's favorite. They are the 'stumbling blocks' to others seeing the credibility of Christianity. At times in my life, I have been one of the best examples of a carnal Christian around. I am not proud of it. I'm just confessing it. I'm not walking in the dark right now or I couldn't care less to make this post. Christians who continue to live in sin and refuse to repent can get to the point of committing the 'sin unto death'. God kills Christians, and takes them home to be with Him, He is their Father you know, when He gets sick and tired if their willful Carnality. I think Elvis Presley is a classic example of this.
These paragraphs are not exhaustive on the subject but just a 'thumb nail sketch' of these truths. The only way you can get the full picture is to read and study the Bible and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal these truths to you. "God said He would let you find Him if you seek for Him with your whole heart," Deuteronomy 4:29.
ISLAM: Finally! Where does Islam fit into all this? Islam is a religion created by natural man to find and explain God. The Koran is not inspired. It is a man's conjecture of what he believes and thinks God is and what His will is. His god is Allah. Allah is not the God of the Bible, contrary to our late President George Bush's opinion. Allah does not exist. He is nothing. He is a figment of Muhammad's imagination. He is not the Jehovah of the Bible. He is not the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He is not the God who gave Moses the Commandments on the shaking smoking mountain in Arabia. Muhammad's Koran is not an inspired book. It is not Scripture. God did not write his book. His book was written by Muhammad and the devil. His book teaches his followers to advance their cause by killing those who disagree. Contrary to my God's teaching who told me to love my enemy and do good to him. My God, Jesus Christ, laid down His life and died for me and asked me to do the same for them as He did for me. "Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his brethren." The Muslim's terroristic advances in this world are as stupid as the 'Christian's' Crusades. You don't win the world by killing your enemy, you win them by loving them to death. Who can resist sacrificial love? A lot of people can but not everybody. The truth finally soaks into some of them.
Not only is Islam a man made religion, it is also a political movement. There is no such thing as a peaceful, loving, tolerant Muslim. They are liars and self deceived. They will not rest until everybody is Muslim and they run the world politically through their religion. Isn't that wild? A Theocracy using a false religion. Do you suppose they are actually carrying out the devil's plan and just don't know it? They are! They are deceived! They are using our U.S. Constitution against us. Our freedom of religion clause. Isn't it ironic we welcome a terrorist religion into our country while at the same time we throw out Christianity which has freed the slave, gave women the right to vote, has given us this great Democratic Republic, prosperity, freedom, and the strongest military in the world, has given men peace with God, and eternal life, and much more!
Their needs to be a wholesale revival of our Christian heritage in the USA or we will pass into oblivion. We are turning our backs on God and He doesn't owe us any favors, He will turn His back on us. Jesus said,"if you abide in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free," John 8:31-32.
God only blesses The United States of America because we are blessable. If we turn our backs on Him, He will turn His back on us. What choice do we give Him?
Islam should be outlawed and removed from the USA because it is more than a religion, it is a political movement intending on taking over the world. If we welcome it with open arms, it will destroy us, and our freedom, and way of life. Your children and grand children will be raised under Sharia Law and the women will become property with no rights and they will have to run around fully covered in berkas and you will have to pray to Allah 6 time a day facing Mecca. Enjoy! You will be sorry you were so stupid, naive, and gullible, and didn't even know what your heritage was until you gave it away. Washington DC is so full of Liberal, Socialistic, Humanistic, Economic cancer, I don't think we can survive 4 more years of Obama!
Is it true? Am I crazy? Or am I lying? Lord Lunatic Liar? You must decide!
Religion is man's attempt to reach God. Religion is man made. Christianity is the only 'religion' that isn't man made! Natural people and Carnal people create religions. A natural man is one who has never been regenerated by God. He is unsaved. He was born in and lives in a fallen and natural state inherited from his grandfather Adam. He is dead spiritually. God has no fellowship with him and doesn't even know him. The Bible says, "The god of this world (Satan) has blinded the minds of the unbelieving that they might not see the light of the Gospel of the glory of Jesus Christ." They are blind spiritually. Many intellectuals and Hollywood 'stars' claim they have become 'spiritual'. Their 'spiritual' and God's spiritual are two different spirituals. Jesus said, "Except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of Heaven." The devil and his host of demons are 'spiritual' beings. Do you want to be 'spiritual' like them?
A carnal person is a Christian, born again, who doesn't live like it. He is either a 'babe in Christ', meaning he is immature and dumb, or he is willfully rebellious and disobedient to the Spirit of God and the Word of God. These people are God's worst and the devil's favorite. They are the 'stumbling blocks' to others seeing the credibility of Christianity. At times in my life, I have been one of the best examples of a carnal Christian around. I am not proud of it. I'm just confessing it. I'm not walking in the dark right now or I couldn't care less to make this post. Christians who continue to live in sin and refuse to repent can get to the point of committing the 'sin unto death'. God kills Christians, and takes them home to be with Him, He is their Father you know, when He gets sick and tired if their willful Carnality. I think Elvis Presley is a classic example of this.
These paragraphs are not exhaustive on the subject but just a 'thumb nail sketch' of these truths. The only way you can get the full picture is to read and study the Bible and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal these truths to you. "God said He would let you find Him if you seek for Him with your whole heart," Deuteronomy 4:29.
ISLAM: Finally! Where does Islam fit into all this? Islam is a religion created by natural man to find and explain God. The Koran is not inspired. It is a man's conjecture of what he believes and thinks God is and what His will is. His god is Allah. Allah is not the God of the Bible, contrary to our late President George Bush's opinion. Allah does not exist. He is nothing. He is a figment of Muhammad's imagination. He is not the Jehovah of the Bible. He is not the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He is not the God who gave Moses the Commandments on the shaking smoking mountain in Arabia. Muhammad's Koran is not an inspired book. It is not Scripture. God did not write his book. His book was written by Muhammad and the devil. His book teaches his followers to advance their cause by killing those who disagree. Contrary to my God's teaching who told me to love my enemy and do good to him. My God, Jesus Christ, laid down His life and died for me and asked me to do the same for them as He did for me. "Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his brethren." The Muslim's terroristic advances in this world are as stupid as the 'Christian's' Crusades. You don't win the world by killing your enemy, you win them by loving them to death. Who can resist sacrificial love? A lot of people can but not everybody. The truth finally soaks into some of them.
Not only is Islam a man made religion, it is also a political movement. There is no such thing as a peaceful, loving, tolerant Muslim. They are liars and self deceived. They will not rest until everybody is Muslim and they run the world politically through their religion. Isn't that wild? A Theocracy using a false religion. Do you suppose they are actually carrying out the devil's plan and just don't know it? They are! They are deceived! They are using our U.S. Constitution against us. Our freedom of religion clause. Isn't it ironic we welcome a terrorist religion into our country while at the same time we throw out Christianity which has freed the slave, gave women the right to vote, has given us this great Democratic Republic, prosperity, freedom, and the strongest military in the world, has given men peace with God, and eternal life, and much more!
Their needs to be a wholesale revival of our Christian heritage in the USA or we will pass into oblivion. We are turning our backs on God and He doesn't owe us any favors, He will turn His back on us. Jesus said,"if you abide in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free," John 8:31-32.
God only blesses The United States of America because we are blessable. If we turn our backs on Him, He will turn His back on us. What choice do we give Him?
Islam should be outlawed and removed from the USA because it is more than a religion, it is a political movement intending on taking over the world. If we welcome it with open arms, it will destroy us, and our freedom, and way of life. Your children and grand children will be raised under Sharia Law and the women will become property with no rights and they will have to run around fully covered in berkas and you will have to pray to Allah 6 time a day facing Mecca. Enjoy! You will be sorry you were so stupid, naive, and gullible, and didn't even know what your heritage was until you gave it away. Washington DC is so full of Liberal, Socialistic, Humanistic, Economic cancer, I don't think we can survive 4 more years of Obama!
Is it true? Am I crazy? Or am I lying? Lord Lunatic Liar? You must decide!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Post # 21, Earthquakes; Peru, New Zeland, Japan, California next?
Opinions are like noses and they smell. Sometimes they just stink! My opinion, if it is just my ignorant idea, is worth nothing. The purpose of my blog is to point you to what God's opinions are. His opinions are easy to come by. He has written 66 books. He calls them His 'Library". The word is Byblos or where we get the English word Bible. God wrote that book. He said He did. He used many authors over a long period of time but the internal evidence of continuity and accuracy testify, by odds alone, that it had to have an outside intelligent source. It couldn't have been done by man alone.
All this being said, let me share with you something of God's opinion about the recent earthquakes in Haiti, Peru, New Zeland, and Japan.
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change, (and it has) and though the mountains should slip into the heart of the sea; though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains quake at its swelling pride." Psalm 46:1-3.
I trust in this God! Do you?
Jesus said, "And there will be signs...and upon the earth dismay among nations, in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves, men fainting from fear and the expectation of the things which are coming on the world; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. But when these things begin to take place, straighten up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near" Luke 21:25-28.
This isn't the end of the world. This is just the beginning 'birth pangs' of the end of the Church age. Jesus won't return until 'the church departs from the truth and the man of sin is revealed', II Thessalonians 2:3.
Is what I am saying true? Am I crazy? Or am I lying? Lord Lunatic Liar! Do you really know your Bible, or is it covered with dust, or is it just toilet paper to you?
All this being said, let me share with you something of God's opinion about the recent earthquakes in Haiti, Peru, New Zeland, and Japan.
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change, (and it has) and though the mountains should slip into the heart of the sea; though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains quake at its swelling pride." Psalm 46:1-3.
I trust in this God! Do you?
Jesus said, "And there will be signs...and upon the earth dismay among nations, in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves, men fainting from fear and the expectation of the things which are coming on the world; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. But when these things begin to take place, straighten up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near" Luke 21:25-28.
This isn't the end of the world. This is just the beginning 'birth pangs' of the end of the Church age. Jesus won't return until 'the church departs from the truth and the man of sin is revealed', II Thessalonians 2:3.
Is what I am saying true? Am I crazy? Or am I lying? Lord Lunatic Liar! Do you really know your Bible, or is it covered with dust, or is it just toilet paper to you?
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Post # 20, Why did the Titanic sink?
What caused the Titanic to sink? For years I thought an ice-berg ripped a long slice in the bow of the ship opening something like 6 or 7 compartments which is too many for the ship to survive. It couldn't withstand the added weight of the water.
Not long ago, I saw a program on Nebraska Public TV that explained why the Titanic sank. I was surprised. The answer had a unique twist I wasn't aware of.
Of course we know it was claimed to be unsinkable. The Captain ordered 'full speed ahead' even through an ice flow. So there was some pride involved.
Before I tell you what caused the Titanic to sink I want you to know I have an analogy in mind. The United States of America is sort of a Titanic. I believe God allowed the Titanic to sink as a warning shot to the USA. Proverbs says, "pride goes before destruction and haughtiness before a fall". I also believe God allowed the 911 pilots to succeed, to the point they did, i.e., taking down the Twin Towers and hitting the Pentagon, as another 'warning shot' to our country. The USA is full of pride. It just killed me when when George W. Bush said he was the president of America. No you're not, you're the president of the United States of America. You know, that little country in the northern hemisphere in the New World, the West. The one who shares the identity as Americans with Canada, Mexico, Central America and South America. The USA is a small potato on the grand scheme of things. There are only 320 million of us in a world of 6 billion +. We haven't been a country as long as the Jews spent in slavery to the Pharaoh of Egypt.
Anyway, The Bible says, "The nation that forgets God will be turned into hell". That is what the liberals are trying to accomplish in our country. To get us to forget God. Why? Because they want to fulfill their ungodly lusts of the flesh. You see, it's not a battle of Democrat or Republican, it's a battle of right or wrong.
The USA is the proverbial bull frog put in a pan of cold water with the fire turned on. He's glad to see it warming up because he is getting more and more 'comfortable'. The Bible says, "God will give you the desires of your heart, but He will send leanness to your soul."
The majority of people in the USA have common sense. They know sex before marriage is wrong, homosexuality is a violation of nature, The Bible is the word of God, Jesus Christ is God in the flesh who visited earth 2000 years ago and died on the cross for peoples sins, that God gave the 10 commandments to Moses and the Old and New Covenant are the foundation of our Judeo-Christian heritage, that our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence are a God given basis for our free country, and that if a free country ever abuses its freedom, that God will remove our freedom. And many more reasons.
The USA, just like the Titanic, is not invincible! If we keep going down the wrong road, God will destroy us. PERIOD!
The reason the Titanic sank is because the contractor to supply the rivets substituted inferior grade steel rivets to hold the plates of steel together on the seams of the ship. When the pressure of the ice-berg pressed against the seam, they popped one by one down that seam and let the plates of steel separate and the water poured in. Here is my analogy people. Here is the clarion call of the hour in these here United States of America. Are we the people individually going to hold our seam together, our little difference, or are we inferior grade rivets who will let go, cower, give in, toss in the towel, say I don't make enough difference to matter? The masses of our country who know right from wrong need to do everything in their power to turn this country around or I guarantee our children and grand children will serve a dictator! You mark my word! I'm not a prophet nor the son of a prophet. I'm not going to stand by and let our un-godly president Barrak Obama or any of our elected officials cram any ungodly minority mandate down my throat.
The USA is going to hell step by step by step. When the majority become immoral, it's over. Apathy and ignorance by rivets that are missing from their post is the friend of the ungodly. The majority of people in this country are against abortion yet the minority get it their way and we have killed over 50 million of our own. That is as pagan as Baal worship in the Old Testament. We tolerate Judicial tyranny where judges have quit doing their job of enforcing law and now legislate from the bench. The whole Supreme court ought to be fired for being cowards. Our public schools were developed to teach people to read the Bible, which was a text book then, but now holds less esteem than the Koran or the book on Evolution. The Department of Education is so far off task they should be eliminated. That would save our federal budget a lot of money. And our public schools should be closed also. That would save our states a lot of money. Christians are paying taxes for public schools but moms stay home and home school because they don't want the ungodly lifestyles and information stealing their children to serve the the lusts of the flesh the world endorses wholeheartedly. They repealed Don't ask don't tell in the military. Now, "President Obama has ordered his administration to stop defending the constitutionality of a federal law that bans recognition of gay marriage," Norfolk Daily News, Friday, February 25, 2011, New York (AP). May God have mercy on the United States of America and give us Godly leaders that have Biblical convictions and aren't cowards.
Post # 19, Todays Church
Only God could summarize all of church history in a one sentence parable. Today I want to look at this verse. It is Matthew 13:33. "The kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three pecks of meal, until it was all leavened." (NASB)
The kingdom of heaven is the church.
Leaven is false teaching. "Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, I don't mean literally bread, but of their false teaching," Matthew 16:1-12. "A little leaven leavens the whole lump," I Corinthians 5-6.
The woman is the devil.
Three pecks of meal is the three divisions of Christianity, Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Protestant. All three have become full of false teaching or apostate, as the Apostle Paul describes it.
In II Thessalonians 2 Paul says 'Jesus will not return to earth until the apostasy comes first'. The apostasy is simply the church departing from the Scriptures, our faith. "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires; and will turn away their ears from the truth, and will turn aside to myths," II Timothy 4:3-4.
This apostasy leads to the 'man of sin'. The sin of Adam and Eve, and the rest of us, leads to the 'man of sin'.
The Apostle Paul makes it clear that Jesus doesn't return to earth until the man of lawlessness is revealed. He calls him 'the son of destruction'. "This man opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, (yet to be built in Jerusalem north of the dome of the rock), displaying himself as being God," II Thessalonians 2:1-4.
Our world is heading faster and faster into economic, political, and religious chaos. Europe is going to revive a new type of 'Roman Empire'. The leader of which will ultimately be this Zar, Cesar, or 'Christ' who will finally strike a peace treaty between the Jews and Arabs, and solve the worlds economic and religious problems. The majority of people are going to believe him and like him and follow him and ultimately take his 'mark' and worship him as God. Big mistake!
Paul goes on to say in II Thess. 2 that because men refuse to repent and believe the truth God sends upon them a strong deluding influence so that they might believe what is false. They refuse God's plan of salvation and refuse to repent and bow to Jesus Christ. Their wickedness is they worship themselves and what they think and make themselves their own gods deciding they have a better plan than God does. It's pride! Satan is going to spend eternity in hell because of pride and so will everyone else who winds up there. Sorry! I didn't write the rules.
"But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, gossips with malice, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God; holding to a form of godliness, (going to church and taking communion, getting married, baptizing babies, going to church schools, etc.), although they have denied its power; avoid such men as these," II Timothy 3:1-5. (I would have to leave town).
"But the Spirit explicitly says that in latter times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own consciences as with a branding iron, men who forbid marriage, (teach celibacy is more spiritual), and advocate abstaining from eating meat, (who teach vegetarianism is more spiritual), I Timothy 4:1-3.
The kingdom of heaven is the church.
Leaven is false teaching. "Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, I don't mean literally bread, but of their false teaching," Matthew 16:1-12. "A little leaven leavens the whole lump," I Corinthians 5-6.
The woman is the devil.
Three pecks of meal is the three divisions of Christianity, Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Protestant. All three have become full of false teaching or apostate, as the Apostle Paul describes it.
In II Thessalonians 2 Paul says 'Jesus will not return to earth until the apostasy comes first'. The apostasy is simply the church departing from the Scriptures, our faith. "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires; and will turn away their ears from the truth, and will turn aside to myths," II Timothy 4:3-4.
This apostasy leads to the 'man of sin'. The sin of Adam and Eve, and the rest of us, leads to the 'man of sin'.
The Apostle Paul makes it clear that Jesus doesn't return to earth until the man of lawlessness is revealed. He calls him 'the son of destruction'. "This man opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, (yet to be built in Jerusalem north of the dome of the rock), displaying himself as being God," II Thessalonians 2:1-4.
Our world is heading faster and faster into economic, political, and religious chaos. Europe is going to revive a new type of 'Roman Empire'. The leader of which will ultimately be this Zar, Cesar, or 'Christ' who will finally strike a peace treaty between the Jews and Arabs, and solve the worlds economic and religious problems. The majority of people are going to believe him and like him and follow him and ultimately take his 'mark' and worship him as God. Big mistake!
Paul goes on to say in II Thess. 2 that because men refuse to repent and believe the truth God sends upon them a strong deluding influence so that they might believe what is false. They refuse God's plan of salvation and refuse to repent and bow to Jesus Christ. Their wickedness is they worship themselves and what they think and make themselves their own gods deciding they have a better plan than God does. It's pride! Satan is going to spend eternity in hell because of pride and so will everyone else who winds up there. Sorry! I didn't write the rules.
"But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, gossips with malice, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God; holding to a form of godliness, (going to church and taking communion, getting married, baptizing babies, going to church schools, etc.), although they have denied its power; avoid such men as these," II Timothy 3:1-5. (I would have to leave town).
"But the Spirit explicitly says that in latter times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own consciences as with a branding iron, men who forbid marriage, (teach celibacy is more spiritual), and advocate abstaining from eating meat, (who teach vegetarianism is more spiritual), I Timothy 4:1-3.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Post # 18, Bud and Jane's blog
Do you want an up to the minute look at mission work in Haiti from missionaries at Cap Haitian? Check this out. http://www.bjdennington.blogspot.com
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Post # 17, Federn Victor from Jeremie, Haiti
He is known around here as Victor but his first name is Federn. He is from Jeramie, Haiti. Jeremie is on the north and west end of the south peninsula on Haiti. He has been in the USA for 6 weeks now, staying with a local Dr.. Victor speaks English very well. That is how Dr. Allison met him. He needed a translator when he was in Haiti on a medical mission and Victor translates when he can to make money. Victor is 26 years old. The oldest of 8 children. He came to the States, when he was a child, for surgery on his arms and that is when he got a good grasp on speaking English.
Victor had a slow week last week so I put him to work at The Seed House, here in O'Neill, where I work.
He worked Wednesday and Thursday. He swept floors, Cleaned up oats under the mills, helped chop ice and remove slush and grain mixed from under the bulk bins outside. He is not lazy and said he liked working. Another thing we did was to wet-sand two tractors and wax them. They hadn't been cleaned up for a long time.
We were enjoying our February thaw. It was calm and 60 out. Federn didn't drive the tractor but he wanted his photo on one. He had never driven a car or pickup either so I had him drive an automatic pickup around the building a bit. It was a real thrill to him. He will be in the US 6 more weeks. He has a 3 month visa. He wants to return to the US with his 3 year old son, Stephen, and attend Wayne State College. He ate dinner and supper, at our house, the two days he worked with me. He said Haitians are fortunate to get one meal a day. He said it takes 15 hrs. to travel to Port-au-Prince from Jeremie because the roads are so bad. A distance of 150 miles. He also said he has never been to Cap Haitian in the north. He looked at my pictures and said it looked just like home
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Post#16, Same sex marriage.
Newt Gingrich and Howard Dean were debating live on C-Span, at George Washington University, when I decided to do this post. Newt is against same sex marriage and said you can believe whatever you want but he believes the reason marriage between a man and a woman is the way it is supposed to be is because that is how it has traditionally been done for thousands of years and that is what makes it right. This blog author, believes Newt stands for the right position but doesn't know what the argument is to defend it. In fact, I have never heard anyone give the right answer to defend the traditional position. Their defense won't hold water. They aren't giving the real reason it is wrong . Do you want to know why homosexual and lesbian activity, let alone unions, are wrong? I'll tell you later.
Howard Dean said you need to allow same sex unions to give the 'couple' equal rights, about 1700, that heterosexual couples gain through marriage. In other words, lets don't bother to find out if there would be 'consequences' for the United States of America for embracing homosexuality and lesbianism into our society. He said the issue is equal rights, fairness. He said "to hell with Leviticus", when making reference to it being wrong to eat 'trife'. He was referencing traditional historical precedence having no relevance to current issues. This is the authors take on Howard Dean. He probably doesn't believe homosexuality is right personally but he is a politician and he just wants to give the people what they want. I agree with him, if it is ok morally to do so. I don't believe it is. And here is why;
Remember I said Newt is right but doesn't know how to defend his position? Here is the answer.
Homosexuality and lesbianism are wrong because it is a violation of nature. Man doesn't have jurisdiction to rule on the subject. In the military they say it isn't in your eschelon of responsibility. If man doesn't like the law of gravity, can he tell gravity to just go jump in a lake? No! You can violate the law of gravity, it's your free choice, but you better be willing to live with the consequences. You can get Congress to outlaw gravity and go step out the window of a 50 story building but the consequences you will face will kill you. Like a bumper sticker I saw which said, "If you're going to live like there is no God, you better be right!"
Common sense tells you homosexuality, lesbianism,bestiality, and things like this are wrong, but those trapped in the cravings of their sin nature deny the light within them and say, "don't confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up". Common sense isn't very common anymore.
This is my first real Lord Lunatic Liar post. Is it true? Am I crazy? Or am I a liar? Let me give you some supernatural revelation on this subject. Only trouble is you are probably so mad at me now you won't be convinced by anything else I share either. Only problem is I'm not the one to get mad at. Your problem is with God. Here goes. Here is a Bible verse I want to share with you. You might be saying, "that book has no authority!". Remember the law of gravity? The Bible doesn't need defended. It is the offensive weapon of the Spirit of God. I slices cleanly between "soul and spirit, joint and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intentions of your heart," Heb.4:12. Have you ever had people ask why God doesn't rain fire and brimstone down on homosexuals like he did at Sodom and Gomorrah? If you knew your Bible you wouldn't ask that question. Here is what God said through Peter in II Peter 2:6, "He condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to destruction by reducing them to ashes, having made them an example to those who would live ungodly thereafter." Get that? S and G is the example. God is saying I did it to them. I will do it to you also. Jesus said He didn't come into the world to condemn the world but to save it, John 3:17. Jesus said in Matthew 4:17, "Repent; for the kingdom of heaven is at hand". Repent means to stop sinning. Turn 180 degrees. Go the opposite direction. Quit lying, quit stealing, quit cheating on your spouse, on the IRS, on your boss, etc..
The people who hate this message are unrepentant. Jesus said you can go to hell if you want to but it will be over My dead body! "Men love darkness more then light because their deeds are evil" The day they put me in jail for hate speech is the day our country has gone to hell. God's judgment will fall on this country just like any other. He doesn't owe us anything. "God is no respecter of persons."
Howard Dean said you need to allow same sex unions to give the 'couple' equal rights, about 1700, that heterosexual couples gain through marriage. In other words, lets don't bother to find out if there would be 'consequences' for the United States of America for embracing homosexuality and lesbianism into our society. He said the issue is equal rights, fairness. He said "to hell with Leviticus", when making reference to it being wrong to eat 'trife'. He was referencing traditional historical precedence having no relevance to current issues. This is the authors take on Howard Dean. He probably doesn't believe homosexuality is right personally but he is a politician and he just wants to give the people what they want. I agree with him, if it is ok morally to do so. I don't believe it is. And here is why;
Remember I said Newt is right but doesn't know how to defend his position? Here is the answer.
Homosexuality and lesbianism are wrong because it is a violation of nature. Man doesn't have jurisdiction to rule on the subject. In the military they say it isn't in your eschelon of responsibility. If man doesn't like the law of gravity, can he tell gravity to just go jump in a lake? No! You can violate the law of gravity, it's your free choice, but you better be willing to live with the consequences. You can get Congress to outlaw gravity and go step out the window of a 50 story building but the consequences you will face will kill you. Like a bumper sticker I saw which said, "If you're going to live like there is no God, you better be right!"
Common sense tells you homosexuality, lesbianism,bestiality, and things like this are wrong, but those trapped in the cravings of their sin nature deny the light within them and say, "don't confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up". Common sense isn't very common anymore.
This is my first real Lord Lunatic Liar post. Is it true? Am I crazy? Or am I a liar? Let me give you some supernatural revelation on this subject. Only trouble is you are probably so mad at me now you won't be convinced by anything else I share either. Only problem is I'm not the one to get mad at. Your problem is with God. Here goes. Here is a Bible verse I want to share with you. You might be saying, "that book has no authority!". Remember the law of gravity? The Bible doesn't need defended. It is the offensive weapon of the Spirit of God. I slices cleanly between "soul and spirit, joint and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intentions of your heart," Heb.4:12. Have you ever had people ask why God doesn't rain fire and brimstone down on homosexuals like he did at Sodom and Gomorrah? If you knew your Bible you wouldn't ask that question. Here is what God said through Peter in II Peter 2:6, "He condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to destruction by reducing them to ashes, having made them an example to those who would live ungodly thereafter." Get that? S and G is the example. God is saying I did it to them. I will do it to you also. Jesus said He didn't come into the world to condemn the world but to save it, John 3:17. Jesus said in Matthew 4:17, "Repent; for the kingdom of heaven is at hand". Repent means to stop sinning. Turn 180 degrees. Go the opposite direction. Quit lying, quit stealing, quit cheating on your spouse, on the IRS, on your boss, etc..
The people who hate this message are unrepentant. Jesus said you can go to hell if you want to but it will be over My dead body! "Men love darkness more then light because their deeds are evil" The day they put me in jail for hate speech is the day our country has gone to hell. God's judgment will fall on this country just like any other. He doesn't owe us anything. "God is no respecter of persons."
Monday, January 31, 2011
Post #15, Check out Coach Shaw's blog on Haiti!
Another perspective on Haiti from one of my comrades.
Post #14, Hannah's blog
Check out another excellent blog by someone living in Haiti and serving with OMS as a nurse.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Post # 13, Julie Briggs' blog.
Julie is a Missionary Nurse who lives on the OMS compound in Cap Haitien, Haiti.
Her blog is fantastic. Check it out!
Her blog is fantastic. Check it out!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Post # 12,How to leave a comment!
- At bottom of post - click on the word comment.
- write your comment in the box.
- click on down arrow on 'comment as'.
- click on anonymous.
- unscramble word.
- click submit.
- I'll view it and accept or reject it. Thank you!
- write your comment in the box.
- click on down arrow on 'comment as'.
- click on anonymous.
- unscramble word.
- click submit.
- I'll view it and accept or reject it. Thank you!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Post # 11, Jesus Christ and Haiti.
In 2004 Haiti broke their bondage to Satan and through prayer they chose Christ. A common slogan is heard everywhere, "Haiti for Christ and Christ for Haiti". Witch doctors are giving up their practices and burning their temples.
More than two-thirds of the labor force do not have formal jobs. People live in abject poverty and many receive in a year what many North Americans receive in just a week's salary. They live in densely populated communities. They often have more than 8 people in a house that measures only 12' x 12'.
Although many Haitians are poor, they dress the best they can and take pride in what little they have. They keep their homes spotlessly clean and are wonderful hosts to visitors.
More than two-thirds of the labor force do not have formal jobs. People live in abject poverty and many receive in a year what many North Americans receive in just a week's salary. They live in densely populated communities. They often have more than 8 people in a house that measures only 12' x 12'.
Although many Haitians are poor, they dress the best they can and take pride in what little they have. They keep their homes spotlessly clean and are wonderful hosts to visitors.
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